Greater Bethlehem Soccer League
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Game Schedule

         Division 5 - ages 11, 12 &13

Each player should report to the field assigned to your team's game.  Play time is from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM.

This is wide open soccer.  Play is 11 aside - the fields are much larger - players are stronger and faster and it's not uncommon to see goals scored off a header.  Set plays, like corner kicks, have become a tremendously exciting part of the game and team play is a must.  However, we are still an instructional and highly sensitive to the varying skill levels within this fairly wide age group.    

It's interesting to observe how the higher maturity levels impact play.  Players have become more patient.  They more readily  accept that each "run" will not always result in a score or even a shot on goal.  They're more inclined to drop the ball back to midfield to set up a better attack and they've learned the value of a strong left foot.

As is the case in all divisions, each session is broken into practice and game segments.  Players may still warm-up using some of their favorite soccer games, but much of the practice session is devoted to serious, focused drills.  

Games are broken into quarter to allow for frequent water breaks, orderly substitutions and so players can move to different position.


#5 soccer ball - Smaller and easier on the knees
Shin guards are a must - Children are not allowed on the field without them
Large water bottle - proper hydration is extremely important